It can be challenging to balance the location of onsite compressor systems. They need to be in close proximity for optimal pressure output without occupying excessive space. Many facilities place their compressors outdoors to save floor space and increase airflow. However, this exposes the equipment to the risk of freezing temperatures. Storing equipment inside an air compressor cabinet safeguards your air supply and optimizes vital floor space.

What to Look for in an Air Compressor Cabinet

One important feature to look for in an air compressor cabinet is soundproofing. Air compressors typically produce noise levels of around 85 dBA, depending on factors such as the type of compressor, its horsepower, and how often it is maintained. Prolonged exposure to high noise levels without proper safety measures can lead to hearing loss. According to OSHA, exposure time should be limited to a maximum of eight hours at 90 dBA and two hours at 100 dBA. Installing an air compressor cabinet to reduce the ambient noise levels can help protect onsite employees from hearing loss.

When setting up an outdoor cabinet for your air compressor system, it’s important to ensure that it protects the compressor and piping from extreme weather. Low temperatures can cause any condensation inside the machine and its piping to freeze and expand, which may lead to pipe bursts. Running a compressor without a way to discharge the pressurized air can also cause severe damage, often resulting in the need for premature replacement of the machinery.

While cold weather poses a serious risk to compressors, excessive heat can also impact your compressor’s performance. An overheated compressor produces air that will have a harder time reaching lower dewpoints. This air will contain more condensate, leading to lower pressure output and posing a risk of clogging downstream air treatment.

All Weather Air

closed air compressor cabinet

All Weather Air provides fully weatherized air compressor cabinet solutions built to protect compressors from weather hazards while providing increased filtration to ambient air. These compressor cabinets come in size options starting as small as four feet up to forty feet, with variable heights and widths depending on need. As a baseline, All Weather Air tests all cabinets to ensure compressors can work in outdoor temperatures of -40°F up to over 120°F.

air compressor cabinet interior

Cabinets from All Weather Air come standard with one-inch-thick noise insulation on the interior of the enclosure to reduce noise, with a two-inch-thick insulation option available as well. They also have slip-resistant flooring and wide doors with safety latches to give you peace of mind regarding worker safety.

All Weather Air designs all its cabinets with portability in mind, with pockets below the flooring for forklifts or cranes to carry them as your facility grows. Cabinets come with centralized utility ports for water and electricity to further simplify moving them as needed.

Next Steps

Our team of experts can help you find the right compressor cabinets for your needs. Reach out via the Contact Us button below to start the conversation.

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Looking for compressor service or installation? Whether your system is in an enclosure, inside your facility, or out in the elements, our compressor technicians can help. Use the Request Service button to reach our service team and schedule your compressor maintenance today.