It has definitely been a year for the books already with COVID-19 transforming the way we do business. However, as a community we have stayed strong together and adjusted. Northwest Pump continues to serve our customers and make sure you have everything you need during this time. Below is a list of  safety equipment that could benefit your business when it comes to keeping your customers and staff safe and healthy.

POS Barriers 

POS Barriers create a more complete solution for cashiers by providing protection in front of the register. Transactions are able to be made through the glass so no contact needs to be had between the customer and cashier. There are a wide variety of shapes and sizes to fit your needs.

Safety Decals

Relay your safety message to your customers and staff to keep social distancing with 6 feet signs, mask requests and one way aisles. Let us get your decal signs created with the message you need for your store.

Verifone Pin Pad Cover

Protect your pin pads with this easy to clean and sanitize pin pad cover. Keeps dirt, germs, grease, oil and all the things that come with running a c-store off your pin pad.

Call 1-800-452-PUMP or email sales@nwpump.com for all your equipment needs!